I want to Dream of Heaven…
Philippe Gagné sings Bach
Streaming concert – webcast
Ensemble L’Harmonie des saisons
Philippe Gagné, tenor
Julia Wedman, violin
Anne Thivierge, flute
Matthew Jennejohn, oboe
Mélisande Corriveau, viola da gamba and cello
Eric Milnes, harpsichord

The body of work comprising Bach’s Two Hundred Sacred Cantatas is inexhaustibly rich. Numerous arias traverse the gamut of vocal registers with equal conviction, from joy to the deepest pain. They may be accompanied by a simple basso continuo, the entire orchestra or often by one or two solo instruments which mirror the voice. A common symbolism of the time— though open to interpretation— dictates that the tenor, when not personifying the Evangelist in the Passions, lends his voice to the sinner who is at once overwhelmed by his faults and driven by hope. The arias on the program bear witness thus: “Have mercy on me!”, “The blood that erases my fault”, “I trust his grace” or “I want to dream of heaven”…
Available from November 4 to 18, 2021

Philippe Gagné sings Bach
Airs for tenor
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
- Sonate en trio pour flûte, violon et basse continue en sol majeur, BWV 1038
Largo, Vivace - Aria « Das Blut, so meine Schuld durchstreicht » de la Cantate BWV 78
- Aria « Ich traue seiner Gnaden » de la Cantate BWV 97
- Aria « Ich will an den Himmel denken » de la Cantate BWV 166
- Aria « Qui tollis peccata mundi » de la Messe brève BWV 235
- Adagio du Concerto pour violon et hautbois en do mineur, BWV 1060R
- Aria « So schnell ein rauschend Wasser schießt » de la Cantate BWV 26
- [Prélude] et Adagio ma non tanto de la Sonate pour violon et basse continue en mi mineur, BWV 1023
- Sinfonia pour violon et hautbois de la Cantate BWV 76
- Aria « Geduld! » de la Passion selon saint Matthieu, BWV 244
- Sonate en trio pour flûte, violon et basse continue en sol majeur, BWV 1038
Adagio, Presto
Aria « Erbarme dich! » de la Cantate BWV
Recorded at The Bishop Stewart Memorial Church, Frelighsburg, Qc